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Herbs & Tea for Vertigo

For some people, vertigo, or dizziness, is so severe it leads to nausea, vomiting and loss of balance, which may in turn result in injurious falls.Migraine headaches, Meniere's disease, an acoustic neuroma, an inflamed inner ear or other underlying health conditions can cause vertigo.Talk to your doctor about the cause of your vertigo and whether herbal remedies are appropriate treatments.

Is This an Emergency?

If you are experiencing serious medical symptoms, seek emergency treatment immediately.


Ginger is a famous food flavoring and an essential ingredient in hosts of baked goods, Asian dishes, beverages and more. As a medicinal tea, ginger is sipped to reduce stomach discomfort, joint and muscle pain, and pregnancy-related sickness. Also available in capsule and tablet forms, ginger is accessible over the counter. Vertigo sufferers may use the herb to ease nausea caused by motion. Talk to your doctor before using ginger for vertigo.

  • Ginger is a famous food flavoring and an essential ingredient in hosts of baked goods, Asian dishes, beverages and more.
  • As a medicinal tea, ginger is sipped to reduce stomach discomfort, joint and muscle pain, and pregnancy-related sickness.

Gingko Biloba

Herbs for Vestibular Disorders

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Ginkgo leaf extract is an ancient herbal remedy taken from the ginkgo -- one of the oldest varieties of trees in the world.Today, ginkgo biloba is made into capsules, teas and tablets, which are used for manifold health purposes.Active substances in ginkgo biloba are purported to improve blood flow and enhance cognitive functioning, decrease fatigue and reduce dizziness, making ginkgo biloba a potential remedy for vertigo.Today, the herb is among the most widely purchased herbs in America.Talk to your doctor about the safety and efficacy of ginkgo biloba.

  • Ginkgo leaf extract is an ancient herbal remedy taken from the ginkgo -- one of the oldest varieties of trees in the world.
  • Today, ginkgo biloba is made into capsules, teas and tablets, which are used for manifold health purposes.


In conjunction with teas and herbs for vertigo, consider using other remedies and safety measures. Sitting or lying down when you feel dizzy may help prevent dangerous falls. Using safety devices, such as canes, walkers and grab bars in the bathroom and shower may help as well. In addition, the experts at the Mayo Clinic suggest avoiding caffeine, alcohol and tobacco, which can restrict blood vessels and increase vertigo symptoms1.

  • In conjunction with teas and herbs for vertigo, consider using other remedies and safety measures.
  • Using safety devices, such as canes, walkers and grab bars in the bathroom and shower may help as well.

Side Effects and Cautions

Ginger for the Flu

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类似传统的药物,草药可以标出se dangerous side effects and drug interactions. In most cases, ginger is safe when consumed in small doses; however, some people experience gas and gastrointestinal upset.Ginkgo biloba is also well tolerated, but it can increase bleeding and cause complications for people who use blood-thinning medications.Always consult a doctor or trusted healthcare professional before using herbs to treat vertigo or other conditions.

  • 类似传统的药物,草药可以标出se dangerous side effects and drug interactions.
  • Ginkgo biloba is also well tolerated, but it can increase bleeding and cause complications for people who use blood-thinning medications.